学生の皆さま *English follows
ストレスを感じたとき、我々には「こころの変化」、「からだの変化」、「行動の変化」がみられます。そして、その対処の例としては、書きだす、見方を変える、感情をあらわす、やりすごす、からだをいたわるなどの方法があります。より詳しい内容については、下記URL先に掲載されている「EMPOWERMENT Series① ストレスとのつきあいかた-バランス感覚を意識して-」を参考にしてみてください。
最後に、以下のような内容のセルフケアに関するリーフレットも当センターホームページ に掲載しておりますので、ご活用ください。
13. 傷つき体験から成長へ-「トラウマ」という観点から-
Dear students,
This is the Center for Counseling and Disability Services. How is your university life? There may be moments when you feel stressed. Are you able to cope with them? Today, we would like to introduce to you ‘Coping with Stress.’
When you feel stressed, you may see emotional, physical, and behavioral changes. Some typical coping methods may be writing out your stress, changing perspectives, expressing emotions, letting it go, and taking care of your body. For details, please refer to the ‘EMPOWERMENT Series ① Coping with Stress: having a wide perspective.’
When you have difficulty coping with your stress by yourself, please contact us. Consultations about your academics, your career, interpersonal relationships, living, sexuality, and mental health are offered by professional staff members. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us. Information shared during sessions will be kept confidential, so please feel safe to consult. Consultations in English are offered, too.
The Center for Counseling and Disability Services also conducts the ‘Mental and Physical Health Questionnaire for University Students’ every year. Based on the questionnaire results, an email will be sent to those who are thought to have stress from this center (sender email address:tohoku-univ.kokoro@grp.tohoku.ac.jp). When you receive the mail, please go through the content.
Finally, the following leaflets are posted on our website. Please make good use of them when needed.
1. Coping with Stress: having a wide perspective
2. Overcoming Most Difficult Periods of Life: coping with psychological crisis
3. Facing your Anxieties: hints to overcome your anxiety
4. Taking Care of your Life: sleeping, eating, and exercising
5. Getting along with your Traits: from the perspective of development
6. Relationship with Parents: finding a fine psychological distance
7. Is this love?: romantic relationship worries
8. When You’re not Motivated: getting along with your psychological and physical state
9. Communication: practicing catchable communication
10. SNS Relationships: to interact comfortably
11. Sexuality: about us
12. Career, Our Future: growing up as you are (in preparation)
13. Growth from Hurtful Experiences: from the perspective of “trauma”
東北大学 学生相談・特別支援センター/ Center for Counseling and Disability Services
学生相談所 / Counseling Office
TEL 022-795-7833
Email gakuso@ihe.tohoku.ac.jp
特別支援室 / Disability Services Office
TEL 022-795-7696
Email t-sien@ihe.tohoku.ac.jp